It probably took as long to hunt down a cinema in the West of England that was still showing Saving Mr. Banks in the first few days of 2014 as it did to watch the film itself - but it was definitely worth it.

My first conscious Emma Thompson experience was watching her on the Jonathon Ross show discussing Stranger than Fiction which was about to be released. I knew who she was, having no doubt watched some of her extensive works previously, but this was the first time she made an impression; an impression which has grown and grown into something bordering on awe.
She is master of comic timing both on and off screen (Charlotte in The Boat that Rocked or any of her interviews, for example, on the Graham Norton Show discussing Saving Mr. Banks - from 4m20s in here), of pathos (Maggie in Peter's Friends, a lesser known but wonderful film also starring Imelda Stuanton, Alphonsia Emmanuel, Kenneth Brannagh, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie and Tony Slattery) and of incredible characterisations (The Queen in the Playouse Presents TV drama, Walking the Dogs).
I had already formed all these opinions of Thompson when I convinced my family to come to the cinema with me in those first few January days. Yet somehow, I came away from Saving Mr. Banks even more in awe of her. I knew nothing of Mrs. P. M. Travers, creator of Mary Poppins, and the story behind the transforming of a very successful book into one of everyone's favourite Disney Films, but have been inspired to find out more and am very much looking forward to Mary Poppins, She Wrote by Valerie Lawson becoming available again in our local library. I laughed (loudly, you may recall), I cried (don't tell anyone), I took Tom Hanks' sugar-coated portrayal of Walt Disney with a pinch of salt and I came away with the following conclusion: She's the best. Emma Thompson is the best actor out there, the best at plying her trade - and no other actors (male or female, for why would I judge them separately?) even come close. (And I'm not the only one! See here. )
What more can I say than that, except, maybe, to leave you with the phrase she utters as Karen Eiffel in Stranger Than Fiction:
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