
" I'm a hungry woman...
...But don't you dare forget
You gotta feed my head too

Hungry Woman Blues II, Gaye Adegbalola

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Blog Update - Links Pages

Introducing three new pages to the blog for the easy sharing of interesting links:

News Links - some interesting online news articles

Non-News Links and Books - some interesting non-news articles, books, organisations, projects, talks, videos and anything else I may find

Early Day Motions and Petitions - formal motions submitted to the House of Parliament for debate, allowing MPs to draw attention to an event or cause, and online petitions

Recommendations are welcome (and, indeed, where some of the links already come from) and all links will be twittered eventually too (as I grapple with modern larks such as social media).

Friday, 10 January 2014

A New Year is Upon Us - Oh Well!


A little note to welcome in two thousand and fourteen (or twenty-fourteen if you will)...

Many people like to 'point out' to me that although there are many talented classical, folk or acoustic female guitarists there aren't that many that can rock - I mean, really ROCK. To these people I shake my head, sigh a sigh of pity (think of all the great music they're missing out on listening to!) and say..."Oh Well"

Watch Danielle Haim ROCKING out the classic Fleetwood Mac riff on her SG at Jools Hollands' 2014 Hootenanny here.

Happy 2014!